Online Café Littéraire: April 2020

Online Café Littéraire: April 2020

We are delighted to inform you that Franck will host his next Café Littéraire via Zoom, which allows users to meet online, with or without video. For more information, or if you wish to participate in this event, please contact us at

Monday 27th April, 2.30-4pm

Fees: £10 (e-book not included)

Des chauves-souris, des singes et des hommes, by Paule Constant (2016)

“Malédiction ! C’était trop grave. La mère appela le Chef. De mémoire, il n’avait rien entendu de semblable, un singe mangé sans les rituels. Il savait que dans l’ordre des interdits on ne pouvait trouver pire. Il n’y avait plus qu’à aller consulter Reine Mab. Son nom disait long déplacement, coût exorbitant, pratiques compliquées et engueulade assurée."

You can buy to the e-book on Amazon UK here.

As we are not currently able to take card/cash or cheque payments, you have the option to pay by bank transfer or via PayPal. 

For more information, contact us at

The Alliance Française Glasgow’s bank details are as follows:

Bank of Scotland
Account 00117641 / Sort Code 80-07-24

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