Reinforce your language skills with our four new webinars about Grammar, French expressions, the past tenses, and the gender rule. These webinars will give you the opportunity to strengthen your language skills, give you a little boost and will perfectly complement what you're studying/have previously studied in one of our classes.
The cost to attend these four webinars is £30 per person.
Enrolment procedure: Contact the Language Office ( if you wish to enrol in these four webinars. Please note that places are limited and that we cannot reserve you a place in any of our courses until your full payment has been accepted. Payment: You can pay your fees: IMPORTANT: If you were not enrolled during the current academic year (September 2020-June 2021), please do not send us any type of payment before getting in touch us and to see if we have a space available for you.
The Alliance Française Glasgow’s bank details are as follows: Bank of Scotland
Account 00117641 / Sort Code 80-07-24
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