Online French Resources (April 2021)

Online French Resources (April 2021)

French institutions are full of ideas to entertain you with music, art, literature and much more!

Check out our selection of online resources:


Festival de Pâques

A French music festival entirely online! From 27th March to 11th April, enjoy a live concert every evening with Inlive Stream, an immersive experience at the heart of the music.

Online baking workshop with Tessa

Join us to learn how to cook a tasty 'Flan Parisien' with French baker Tessa!

Festival Résonances

Enjoy multiple online cultural events (debates, round table, concerts..) between 20th March and 20th April.

1 jour 1 actu

This one is for your little ones: get daily news for children from the age of 8!


April Fool's Day

Our intern Anouk shows you how to make the best 'poisson d'avril', a fun French tradition! 

Online talk with Grégoire Delacourt

The Institut français d'Écosse invites you to a special talk with French author Grégoire Delacourt on Thursday 15th April, 6pm! 

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