Online French Resources - April

Online French Resources – April

Want to know more about French culture?

Discover our special monthly French resources selection! 

Victor Hugo: The Revelation of the Pyrenees – Arte Documentary 

In the southwest of France, the Pyrenees make a masterful setting appropriate for a literary giant. Victor Hugo was enchanted by them and in 1843, the writer travelled to the region with his mistress Juliette Drouet. Between the immensity of the ocean and the drama of the peaks, Victor Hugo was enchanted by the Pyrenees.

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Guided tour of the Lascaux cave – Ministère de la Culture

The discovery of the monumental Lascaux cave in 1940 brought with it a new era in our knowledge of both prehistoric and human origin. Today, the cave continues to feed our collective imagination and profoundly move new generations of visitors from around the world. 

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Podcasts – Join us in France

Enjoy having a weekly fix of France in your ears!

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Online Collections – Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris

Discover the online collections of the Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris

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Destination Francophonie – TV5MondePlus

A journey throughout the French-speaking world to explore every corner of the globe! In each country, we meet francophones who present their culture, way of life, and commitments in French. The programme also shines a spotlight on local projects that keep the French language alive, dynamic, and constantly evolving.

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IF Cinéma à la carte 

Every month, enjoy a special selection of French films for free!

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