Online French Resources - May

Online French Resources – May

Want to know more about French culture?

Discover our special monthly French resources selection! 

YouTube Channel – Musée d'Orsay 

Find exclusive videos on the Musée d'Orsay!

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Podcasts – The French History Podcast 

A weekly history podcast that covers France from 3 million years ago to present. Presented by Dr. Gary Girod, with contributions by numerous scholars.

Click here for more information

Morts pour la cause, mais laquelle? – TV5MONDEplus 

From Joan of Arc to Jean Jaurès, many major figures throughout history have paid for their commitment with their lives. But who actually killed them and why?

Click here for more information

Galaxie des Impressionismes – Musée des Impressionismes

Explore the expressionist world through 70 painters from many countries!

Click here for more information 

IF Cinéma à la carte 

Every month, enjoy a special selection of French films for free!

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