Online French Resources - October

Online French Resources – October

Want to know more about French culture?

Discover our special monthly French resources selection!

Le Franchute – Podcast 

Fabien is the founder of the website Le Franchute. In his “Podcast" section, he publishes a new video every week, to be viewed for free. The videos are in French, with French subtitles (a PDF transcript is also available) and Fabien uses a varied vocabulary while speaking on different subjects: French culture, history and geography, French personalities…

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L'Essentiel – Online Newspaper 

L'Essentiel is an online newspaper, which publishes in French on various current topics: the formation of the government, the municipality, sustainable construction, energy debates, etc. The information is clear and concise, which makes it very accessible.

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Osez le français – TV5MondePlus 

The French language can sometimes seem so complex that it's easy to get discouraged. The web series “Osez le français" is here to help you! In less than two minutes and with humour, each video tackles a complexity of the French language and makes it easily understandable.

Click here for more information

Le Petit Bac – Game

Le Petit Bac is a game that will allow you to use and learn French vocabulary. Many categories of words are proposed and the game can be played online or against computers.

Click here for more information

Le Louvre – Online Visit

Welcome to the Louvre! The website gives you access to virtual tours of the museum and gives you the opportunity to watch live broadcasts, listen to podcasts and read stories about the Louvre and its works of art.

Click here for more information

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