Online French Resources - September

Online French Resources – September

Want to know more about French culture?

Discover our special monthly French resources selection!

Cultivate Your French – Podcast 

Every Wednesday, Laetitia releases a podcast aimed at learners of French, in which she tells about her life in Paris, her holidays, her discussions with friends… Each episode starts with a short introduction in English. Then the story is told in French at slow speed, then at normal speed.

Click here for more information

Radio Barbouillots – Kids Radio

Radio Barbouillots is a French radio station for children. It accompanies them all day long from the time they get up to the time they go to bed, including nap time and after school.

Click here for more information

Les Catacombes de Paris – Online Visit 

Welcome to the catacombs of Paris! Online tours of 40 minutes are offered in English and French (price: 5 euros)

Click here for more information

French Moments – Blog

The French-Australian Pierre Guernier is passionate about culture and history. In his blog, he makes us discover France through photos, landscape descriptions and historical explanations. His goal: to make his English readers want to travel to all these places.

Click here for more information

Cyrano de Bergerac – TV5MondePlus 

Discover the story of Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand, known for his emblematic nose and his dramatic love story.
Capture of the play from the Théâtre de Carouge in Switzerland.

Click here for more information

Robert Doisneau – Photographs

Discover the portfolio of the famous French photographer Robert Doisneau: about 450,000 photographs available.

Click here for more information

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